TeamSTEPPS Leadership Skills

TeamSTEPPS Physician and Administrator Leadership Skills and Implementation Workshop
Make sure your TeamSTEPPS leadership team has the tools and change management skills necessary to successfully lead the project and create a permanent organizational change. This is the workshop that health care leaders rave about. The TeamSTEPPS Implementation Workshop grew out of our recognition that hospital organizations experience the same struggles that high reliability organizations (e.g. aviation, nuclear power, European railroads, etc.) experienced when they began to implement TeamSTEPPS-type programs into their systems.
This workshop provides your leadership team with an intensive and concentrated two-day session that distills the critical lessons learned from over 25 years of aviation and 10 years of health care safety systems implementation experience into an easy-to-follow blueprint for success. Participants get a 100-page participant guide with templates, scheduling calendar, to-do lists, examples, and worksheets.
Participants will:
Lay the groundwork for creating a leadership team that will engage in constructive conflict, make decisions, and carry decisions out effectively;
Identify areas of greatest resistance to the change, learn how to proactively deal with the resistance, and determine exactly who is accountable for taking those actions;
Create the schedule for implementation;
Create the necessary documents to inform stakeholders about this initiative, state the policies of implementation, and measure the impact of these efforts;
Complete training to be able to run meetings more effectively and make more timely decisions;
Identify the stakeholders and influential physicians and staff who need to be briefed on the project, and assign members of your leadership team to accomplish that;
Create a TeamSTEPPS Project Steering Committee to provide leadership and supervision throughout the implementation process;
Create a structured Agenda for your Steering Committee members to follow to ensure they stay on track and make constant movement toward success;
Schedule the major milestones/deliverables in the Project – ensuring minimal impact to the organization and maximum utilization of your people resources;
Create a Philosophy of Care statement that will guide the needed changes to the P&P Manual;
Establish cohesive policies on how to deal with the inevitable “resistance to change” behaviors and conflict all organizations experience in a change initiative of this magnitude;
Practice and develop the ability of all of your leadership team to describe to your physicians and staff the purpose and benefits of the LifeWings initiative;
Practice handling the tough questions and conflict your leadership team will experience from change resistors; and
Develop a five-month publicity campaign to “get the word out” about the project and to internally publicize your successes.
Avoid costly missteps and wasted effort because this workshop will teach you what works and what doesn’t work.
Contact LifeWings
Our team of experts is excited to talk to you about how we can work together to get dramatic, sustainable results and ROI for your improvement projects.
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