Client Patient Safety Testimonials

Feedback From Healthcare Executives
“LifeWings Train-the-Trainer workshops were very beneficial in helping me overcome nerves and fear of presenting in front of a group. Because of the week I learned I CAN DO THIS and get the point across. I would say to other hospitals considering this training that this is a must do if there is any concern for patient safety! The interactive class environment and feedback from the coaches was extremely helpful and inspiring, and I feel prepared to for our upcoming implementation.”’
Bill Shingler, UTMC
“Because of Train-the-Trainers week I learned effective storytelling, and the power of laughter incorporated into presentations. This training was well worth the commitment and it is imperative to the success of trainers. The one on one instruction and feedback is what I like most about this LifeWings training.”
Lauren Scarbro, UTMC
“Prior to attending the Train-the-Trainer workshop, our team had reservations and lacked confidence. investing in the Train-the-Trainer workshop was one of the most beneficial decisions that our organization has made in order to have a strong TeamSTEPPS program designed for sustainment.”
Tammy Seay, University of Tennessee
“Because of Train-the-Trainer week I have confidence and feel well prepared to present the TeamSTEPPS material to our staff. What I liked most about this training was the small group instruction and the follow up from a live audience of nursing students.”
Tresa Batson, UTMC
“When Joint Commission was here for a visit, the physician surveyor said ours was the best Time Out he had EVER seen.”
Deborah L. Saylor
Senior Vice President Patient Services
Saint Francis Hospital
“The LifeWings Train-The-Trainer program was an extremely valuable experience for us. The LifeWings Master Trainers clearly have mastery of the material and loads of facilitation experience, as well as keen observation and feedback/coaching skills. This intensive program is a great way for facilitators to hone their skills through practice, and by getting real-time, detailed feedback and individualized coaching from other seasoned facilitators. My colleague recently experienced a train-the-trainer course where one instructor presented a skill-development session for over 20 participants. While training sessions with that sort of instructor-to student ration can be helpful, they just don’t have the same impact as the LifeWings program.”
Mark Rolfson
UNM Hospitals Organizational & Professional Development
“The work plan for this Institute was excellent. The participant guide, chapter by chapter, was excellent. Leading us as a group to develop our own implementation plan was excellent as well. Steve is a terrific teacher and an expert facilitator.
This LDI is an absolutely essential part of the program, and any other hospitals considering a CRM project need to be sure to include their key leaders and decision‐makers. I almost decided not to come to this, and that would have been a bad decision. Our success will be a sure thing as a result of having attended this Institute. Thank you for caring about patients and being committed to our success.”
Karen Sexton
VP and CEO
UTMB Hospital and Clinics
“Hospital leadership must come to the LDI. They will get opportunities for group interaction and plan development. There are great group facilitation activities – this is an active process. Leaders will learn a lot, and much of what you learn is readily applicable to many other projects and situations.”
Joan Richardson, MD
Medical Director, Inpatient Services
“During this LDI, the strengths and benefits of CRM were emphasized and ingrained. Inspiring. Creates an excitement about the upcoming program. The LDI was a great overview. It instilled enthusiasm and I’m eager to champion its cause. Top Gun pilots accept nothing less then perfection. They work together to achieve it! It is an acceptable goal. Mistakes will occur—but our CRM will “capture” and “minimize” them before they are big.”
David Sacks, MD
Director, Anesthesia
Memorial Healthcare System—South
“The Leadership course was beneficial because it organized our approach, orchestrating a plan of action, and helped to develop effective tools. During the LDI I learned excellent communication formulas! This program is essential to be in the business of providing healthcare…it needs to be mandatory.”
Mary Owen
Director, Outcomes Case Management
University of California Health System – Irvine
“This Institute bonded leadership and created excitement and energy for our project. I don’t believe a CRM implementation would be successful without this in‐depth preparation.”
Valerie Parisi, MD, MPH, MBA
Dean, School of Medicine
“This LDI gave me a clear roadmap to follow for implementation of the program. Previously, we have struggled to address the root cause of our inertia in patient safety/quality. We now have leadership on board, a commitment to make this happen, and the implementation steps to bring this to life. As a result, our hospital will have a different feel. This LDI is well worth the time and investment.”
Steve Smith, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Nebraska Medical Center
“The communication techniques and practice, action plan, and tools were beneficial. I now have the information, tools, knowledge and skill to ‘hardwire’ our cultural change. This LDI is more than a conceptual framework. It’s very practical and shows you how to achieve the ‘hard stuff’ of getting the program implemented.”
Shelly Schwedhelm, RN
Director, Preoperative and Emergency Serv.
Nebraska Medical Center
“The LDI showed me how to ‘sell’ the program to reluctant individuals. It also highlighted the pitfalls of implementation and how to handle or avoid those pitfalls. It gave me specifics of what to do and when to do them. The LDI is helpful for learning how to deal with difficult and routine situations to improve overall performance.”
Michael Fee, MD
Anesthesia, Clinical Director
Nebraska Medical Center
“The LDI helped me by providing a framework by which I can organize my own thoughts, and know that everyone in the OR has their thoughts and attention organized and focused in the same manner… all directed at optimizing patient care. I learned very useful techniques to promote and reinforce a system to make a significant improvement in our working environment, patient safety, efficiency and job satisfaction. This LDI is definitely a worthwhile investment. I wish we had more of it!”
Kim F. Duncan
Section Head, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Nebraska Medical Center
“The LDI provided a clear, focused approach to the project. Nothing in it was a waste of time – all of it was very beneficial. This LDI helped me by reinforcing the concept of accountability for behavior. It also gave us tools to use to make us commit to holding ourselves and others accountable. Anyone considering attending LifeWings LDI should do it! It will open a new avenue for improving teamwork and safety.”
Rita Van Fleet, CNO & VP,
Patient Care Services
“The LDI helped us to make CRM a new policy for the institution. It helped us decide we are indeed committed, that this project is not optional or a ‘trial.’ Also, I received training via practice with scripts to sell the program, initiate the dissemination of the idea, and sustain it. If you are thinking about attending this LDI, just do it! It is well worth the investment and is critical to developing a committed administration and leadership team.”
Bud Shaw, MD
Chair, Dept. of Surgery
“The LDI helped me by providing great clarification and a roadmap to follow for success. I feel empowered to answer staff questions and explain the project. For other hospitals who are considering making the time and resource commitment to attend this LDI, I would say go for it! Patient safety is our #1 goal and this commitment of time, money and energy proves it beyond a doubt.”
Patty Hannigan
Director of Safety & Risk Management
Holy Cross Hospital
“The interaction and role playing was beneficial in the LDI. It will assist me in being prepared for certain questions/circumstances. The overview of the project rounding and project interviews is key to ensure a successful project. The LDI gave me a great overview of what the program has to offer. I am highly convinced that we will be delivering better patient care with these safety skills.
If you are thinking about going to a LifeWings LDI…just do it! It is an investment in the long‐term and promotes effective teamwork and communication. Your hospital will run more effectively and efficiently because of the LDI.”
Theresa Valern
Clinical Director
Holy Cross Hospital
“The Institute was beneficial because it brought the group together so there were others with the same knowledge & excitement level regarding the project. The LDI also provided good team building that gets all possible issues you may face out so you are prepared to address them.”
Carol Blakey, RN, BSN, MHCA
Clinical Director, Emergency Dept.
Director of Quality, Education Dept.
Holy Cross Hospital
“The LDI helped improve my ability to communicate our plan for developing safe, efficient, and compassionate highest standard of care. Attending this LDI is well worth your time, money, and energy! It is an effective use of all of them.”
Geilan Ismail, MD
Holy Cross Hospital
“Having interaction between all participants (i.e.‐Board, CEO, physicians, nurses, etc) was a very beneficial component of the LDI. The Institute was helpful by uniformly presenting and laying out the project from start to finish.”
Charles Mike Huelsman
Clinical Director/Surgical Services
Holy Cross Hospital
“This LDI was useful because it made the project real, made me comfortable/enthusiastic about my role, and focused on the simple, practical and achievable. If patient safety if your priority, it is critical to attend this LDI.”
Ron Burnham
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Holy Cross Hospital
“The LDI was able to really help me look at the problem and try to apply the concept to the issue. Because of the LDI, I learned what a patient safety program can do to help us in our practice and improve our outcomes by supported data. The value of what the program can do for the facility is well worth the expense!”
Diane Stonmerk, RNC, RSN, NRP
Manager Peds/PICU/NICU
Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center—Mokena, IL
“The LDI helped me focus on the patient issues which will be used to implement the program. I learned how important it was to follow proven tools for patient safety and communication between MDs & RNs. The practice sessions were excellent. The work plan was a well thought out sequence. I strongly recommend the LDI!”
Ann Grelyak
System Manager Patient & Workplace Safety
Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center—Mokena, IL
“Prior to this LDI I had difficulty knowing my specific role & responsibility, but the LDI helped clarify what needs to be communicated. I learned step by step what actions need to be put into place and my roles and expectations. The LDI was really personalized to our issues. If you are considering attending a LDI, make sure you do it and have all your leaders participate.”
Joan Cappelletti
Woman & Children’s Service Line Administrator
Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center—Mokena, IL
“This LDI was very informative and brought a broad spectrum of leaders together. Prior to the LDI it was difficult to understand all the components & steps to the process. Because of the LDI, I was able to clarify the process, use tools in a practical way, and validate important outcomes. I learned useful ideas for having the difficult conversations.”
Jill Weitendorf, RN
Patient Care Manager
Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center—Mokena, IL
“It was beneficial to take the time to make a project calendar & set dates—this gives the project a sense of immediacy. The LDI gives key members of the project the skills to communicate the virtues of the program to the key areas of the organization.”
Brian Egan, DO
“Before the LDI I didn’t understand we would really become the owner of the project. The LDI was beneficial because it helped me understand the expectations of the project.”
Karen Briscoe
Risk Manager‐‐PSJMC
“Everything about the LDI was excellent. I have been in quality for 15 years and seen many variations of how to improve healthcare performance. This is the most comprehensive, common sense approach I have ever seen, which allows the ‘elephant’ in the middle of the room to be exposed and dealt with. Because of this program, I learned how to sell a project better, how to be more specific and explicit about what the focus on team outcomes should be. Now the leadership has bought in and excited about the process. This is definitely worth your while—a must have.”
Jane Jones
Regional Director, Quality Systems
Community Health Partners
“The LDI provided great examples of tools, role playing, concentration of the process, and how to hardwire our results. All the support LifeWings gives during the training and implementation is wonderful. The LDI was able to bring our ‘team together,’ not just one discipline. Also, I learned effective ways to communicate benefits of the program, how to talk to low performers and how to help communication and processes stay simple, clean & effective. This was an excellent investment—very practical and applicable to every day life in healthcare.”
Tracy Sharpnack
Chief Nursing Officer
Community Health Partners
“This program was beneficial in anticipating issues and helping us work on solutions in a proactive manner. The LDI provided me with proven formulas that will help ensure the success of this project. I learned better ways to problem solve as a team and how to sell any project better. This commitment to attend the LDI was well worth the time investment because we were able to not only identify issues, but provide solutions. Thanks for the great presentation!”
Ed Ruth
VP Professional Services
Community Health Partners
“What is very important in this program is that it will empower healthcare workers to do and say what is the right thing for the patient. Even thought the principles come out of another industry, there are universal concepts that can be applied to all industries. The LDI covered everything from beginning to end, & beyond. As a new employee, the LDI helped me learn more about the leaders at this institution. This is one program that all other hospitals should look at first. It was very well done—organized, and easy to understand. Thank you so much!”
Olga Faroh
OB Manager
Community Health Partners
“The organization & presentation were excellent at the LDI. The program helped me focus…focus…focus! Because of the LDI, I believe all things are possible.”
Francis A. Bartek
OBGYN Dept. Chair Person
Community Health Partners
“The LDI had a good structure, written tools and role playing that worked well. This program helped provide structure and infrastructure to our safety program. We gained more physician support and forced agreement to an implementation timeline. Aviation principles can apply to healthcare and this LDI was very worthwhile.”
Donald Blanford, MD
SVP & Chief Medical Officer
Community Health Partners
“The LDI presented a simple approach to goal identification and achievement via straightforward tool application. This training is essential to a successful outcome!”
Stephen D. Cetrulo, MD
Medical Director
Holy Cross Hospital
“This LDI provided concrete methods to use in helping to implement the program. I couldn’t recommend this more to hospitals who are considering the LDI. This is essential!”
Grant C. Besley, PhD
Coordinator, LifeWings project
Holy Cross Hospital
“The LDI provided a more cohesive simple focused approach to building teamwork consensus and good role modeling of how to address a diverse group. Let LifeWings bring in their proven structure, experience, and commitment to your hospital and benefit from their track record.”
Sandra O’Kelly, BSN
Infection Control/Safety Coordinator
Holy Cross Hospital

Patient Safety Feedback From Physicians
“Thanks so much for your Lifewings presentation. Your entire presentation was spot on, smooth, articulate beyond compare, and well composed. But far beyond all of that, were the words you carefully chose to reflect your painful loss and your appreciation to those caregivers who helped your daughter. I was so choked up at the end, that I could barely say thanks. I wanted you know that I appreciated the entire session, and especially found meaning in your recounting of this terrible loss. I have signed on for 2 of the third phase sessions to help implement the principles of Lifewings. I doubt I would have been so willing if it had not been for your very convincing work. Thanks again for your very effective talk and for sharing your personal tragedy.”
Orthopedic Surgeon, Mt. Kisco, NY
“I think we have really established significant momentum and critical mass, and my optimism for success grows daily. Our LifeWings coach has been outstanding and has been invaluable to me (and everyone else in the process) in helping me navigate the peaks and valleys of the a project of this magnitude. Thanks.”
David E. Pitcher, MD, FACS
Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs
Executive Medical Director for Inpatient Services
UNM Hospitals
Associate Professor of Surgery
University of New Mexico School of Medicine
“A must for physician leaders and others involved in designing protocols and policies in hospitals and other healthcare settings.”
Jayesh Patel, MD
Skyline Medical Center
“I highly recommend this course for OR physicians…particularly anesthesiologists.”
Dyer Rodes, MD
Chief of Anesthesia, Centennial Medical Center
“I feel equipped in ways that I did not even know I had weaknesses. Humbling.”
John Stewart, MD
Stewart Family Health
“Do it! You’ll be surprised how avoiding errors in healthcare is so similar to avoiding mishaps in aviation.”
Patricia Murafetis
Asst. Dir. of Medicine
Coney Island Hospital
“This course should be taught at all levels of training (Med school, internship, residency), and reinforced at the hospitals which we practice.”
Jim Loveless, MD
Summit Medical Center
“Vital topics are covered for an effective practice. Physicians should take them seriously not only to prevent lawsuits but to insure the BEST care for the patients.”
R. Louis Murphy, MD
“Practical / insightful information which facilitates physician behavior modification.”
Pamela R. Sud, MD
” Do it. It gives you a new perspective to prevent errors and become more appreciative of team approach.”
Bradford E. Mutchler, MD
“Better ability to interact with co-workers in an effective way. Encourage you to attend.”
James B. Witherington, MD
“Don’t miss a treat. Learn to be more specific as to orders and to cross check records.”
J.W.Shore, MD
“Recognize and acknowledge importance of each team member. Would encourage attendance.”
Jan Osborne, MD
“Great seminar…must attend…Learn how team leaders must be approachable.”
Jerry Lee Surber, MD
“Well worth your time.”
Stephen Prinz, MD
“Necessary information for your office.”
S.L. Meisenheimer, Family Practice
“Well worth doing.”
Ken Allen, MD, Family & Sports Medicine
“Good protocol to handle angry patients and conflict management.”
Gary C. Cooper, Pathologist
“Very informative.”
Jesse Noers, MD
“Time well spent.”
J. Ross, MD
“Just Go!”
John M. Burkhart, MD
“Very valuable information. I would attend.”
Rosalind Cadigan, MD
“Attending this seminar is valuable to becoming productive about dealing with relevant issues to medical legal matters.”
Paul D. Banick, MD
“Very good learning event.”
Bradley L. Pearman, MD, Ophthalmologist
“Very good information.”
Steven J. Smith, Plastic Surgeon
“The seminar was great, extremely practical for home life and work. I enjoyed it.”
S. Durbin, MD
“Good information.”
Frank Little, MD
“Worth attending.”
Erroc J. Britts, MD
“Very worthwhile.”
John Pittengon, MD
“Go to it.”
M P Gallagher, MD, Cardiology
“Would definitely attend this seminar.”
James A. Parrott, MD, Digenetic Radiology
“Very good information on dealing how to manage angry patients and to recognize the red flags. And be more aware of what to look for.”
Debby Cain, Office Nurse
“Everyone should attend this is critical information for busy, caring patients.”
Charles Robinson, DO
FP/Practice owner-group practice
“Good training tools for a practice.”
James Foster, MD
“DO IT!”
Mark Gary Blumenthal,MD,MPH
Medical Director
Blount County Medical Center
“Please attend. Worth your while in many ways.”
Oliver K. Agee, MD
“Highly recommended.”
Jeffrey H Johnson, MD
“DO IT!”
Susan Dodd OB/GYN
“Just attend and you will see why.”
C. A. Isham, MD
“Self criticism is good.”
John McElliott, MD
“Very good and educational.”
Michael Maggart, Cardiatheric Surgeon
“You should not miss this.”
Nathan Trentham, MD
“Very beneficial.”
Cheri C. Johnston, MD
“It is worthwhile information and
well worth your time.”
Michael Craig, MD
“Should attend this seminar.”
hris D. Harris, MD, Urologist
“Excellent useful seminar, very practical – should be combined with office staff.”
John S Burrell MD , Medical Director, Reachs Community Health Center, Lafollette, TN
“Useful information.”
Jim Fergon, MD
“Worthwhile excellent information
for any practice.”
Dr. Chad Potteiger, GF Physician
“Definitely attend this seminar.”
Dana Howe FNP-C
“Good seminar, review communications
techniques needed for practice and life.”
Marvin Bowers, MD
“Worthwhile time spent on this seminar.”
Joseph D. Minarao, Cardiologist
“Is well worth your time.”
Randy Denton, Med/Peds
“Excellent seminar must attend!”
M. Bijnya, MD
“Good experience.”
J Brad Carter,MD
“Definitely attend.”
Joseph D. Payne, MD
Owner Physician of Avatar Medical, PC
“Very good seminar and speakers.”
Susan Manson, MD, Internal Medicine
“Good program.”
Safwan Hamwi, MD
John Jzaskar, MD
“Worth attending the seminar.”
Bert A Hampton
“A worthwhile investment of your time.”
L Thomas Oconnor, MD
“It is worth the 2 hour commitment.”
Jeff King, MD, Private practitioner, Infections Diseases
“Must attend.”
C. P. Bowers, MD, Solo Practice
“Worth the time.”
Thomas Higgins, MD
“It was very helpful in reinforcing the basic principals of caring for people and communicating with people.”
Samual Puckett, MD, Pediatrician
“Useful techniques that are helpful to recall under pressure to resolve a problem.”
Brian Hughes, MD
“Attend a must invaluable asset to practicing medicine in today’s environment.”
Wiliam Harry, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
“Good learning experience”
Ghazali A. Khan, MD
“Yes you need this seminar.”
Mukfsh K. Sharma, MD, Cardiology
“Attend this seminar!!!!”
Jon R Simmons, MD
“Worth you time to attend!”
J. Donald King, MD
“It is certainly a worthwhile seminar to attend.”
Clarence L Jones, MD
“Time well (worth) spent!”
Manisha Thakur, MD, Private Practice
“Very informative and will be able to use on a daily basis.”
Rval Swanson, MD
“They all need to come. Hospital administration needs to come.”
Kenneth L Scott Jr, MD
“It is well worth your time excellent information.”
Mark Dalle-Ave, MD
“Great seminar and worth the time.”
Mary M Huffman, MD
“It is very good seminar and pertinent to practice today.”
Kim Learnd
“Worthwhile seminar.”
John Morse, MD
“Very practical seminar, useful.”
Greg Kyser, MD, Psychiatrist
“It will make your staff work together better.”
N.S. Babu, MD
“Very good points are raised.”
Rennee Dillon, MD
“Go to decrease problems and resolve conflict.”
E.L. King, MD
“Good information.”
Tom Duncan, MD
“Definitely attend this seminar.”
John Interlandi, MD, Endocrinologist
“Excellent seminar.”
Terry Pearlam, MD
“Very valuable information in this seminar.”
Dean Knoll, MD
“Urge physicians to attend.”
Stuart Smith, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon
“Very helpful information.”
William (Bill) Pettit
“I would recommend this seminar to all physicians.”
James J. Coleman, MD
“You should all attend this seminar.”
Jennifer Montague, MD, Family Practice
“Do it!”
Jerry Lee Surber, MD, Emergency Medicine
“Beneficial information.”
Glenn Bradham
“Absolutely in your best interest.”
David O. Ranz, MD
“Excellent seminar.”
Mitchell K. Schweiser, MD
“Should attend this seminar.”
Chris McClure, Cardiologist
“A great seminar, you should attend.”
Narciso C. Gabot, MD, Psychiatrist
“Please attend.”
Ashok K. Mehta, MD
“Well worth going to this seminar.”
Sam Houston Monan, MD, OB/GYN
“Very useful and educational information.”
Roger C. Stephesen, MD
“Just Attend.”
George Smith, MD
“Very highly recommended.”
Keith Robinson, Internal Medicine
“It is well worth your time to attend.”
Martha Butterfield, MD, Brentwood Allergy/asthma
“You need to attend this seminar.”
Olumine Anlifowoshi, MD
“Good seminar to attend.”
Rand Hayes, MD
“Attend this seminar it is a must.”
James E. Seeley, MD
“Highly recommend attending.”
William P. Grebensten, MD
“Good experience, highly recommended.”
Pauline Ehics, MD
“Very useful information.”
David Beaird, General Surgeon
“A must attend seminar.”
Scott D. Bann, MD, Family Physician
“Do it!”
Michael S. Baily, MD
“Informative and well worth your time.”
Steven Urban, MD
“Go to this seminar.”
Michael Baker, Physician
“Excellent program!”
Douglas R Alvey, MD, EM Physician
“This seminar is well worth your time.”
Tom Bartsokas, MD
“Very useful information.”
Paul A Justice Jr , MD
“Do it!”
Jack A. Coleman, Physician, Board of Trustees, Stonecrest Med Center
“Just attend!”
John A. Anderson III, MD
“Excellent seminar on a plan to manage conflict. Very thought provoking.”
G. Wallace Wood, MD, Partner Green Hills, Pediatric Assoc.
“Very compelling, keeps your interest and most of all practical information.”
Jason Mullerix, MD
“Teaches good principals and practical issues.”
Jim McGinley
“The seminar is extremely relevant and full of useful information.”
Frank Gluck, MD, Assoc. Prof Medicine
UT School of Medicine
“Thoroughly enjoyed the information in this seminar.”
Craig McCable,
“Excellent seminar!”
Margaret Brennan, OB/GYN
“Highly recommend attending this seminar.”
Habib Doss, MD
“Just do the seminar!”
John O. Simmons, MD, President/CEO Core, Physicians, UC
“Recommend strongly attending this seminar as well as enrolling your receptionist and your staff.”
F. C. Vallejo, MD, Private Practitioner
“Always a great seminar and full of useful ideas that will make me a better healthcare provider to my patients.”
Thomas E. Sulkowski, MD,Family Physician
“Well worth your time.”
J. Lucius McGehew, MD
“Recommend strongly you attend!”
G. S. McKee, MD
Metro Public Health Dept.
“Good seminar to attend!”
Wayne Westwardland, MD, General Surgeon
“Well worth attending!”
Kenneth Caissie, MD, Anesthesiologist
“The owner ship of the problem was important, If you see it fix it!”
R. M. Roth , Emergency Physician
“Well worth your time to come!”
Jon Hievine, MD
“Attend this seminar for sure!”
Renee Glenn, MD, Psychiatrist
“I would recommend attending this seminar!”
Charlotte Harkvess, Office Manager
“This seminar is essential for current practice environment.”
Jim M. Ferin, MD
“Well worth your time!”
Charles Padget, MD, Anesthesia
“Very worthwhile.”
John Cain, MD, Physician
“Very good information.”
W. D. Hudson, MD
“Would definitely attend, good learning experience.”
Robert M. Wheatly, MD
“Very useful time well spent!”
Mitch Pulleas, MD
“Shows great training of staff and yourself in conflict and how to resolve the issue.”
Kendall Graham, Neonotologist
“Excellent course! Brings us a skill set that is not a natural thing for many people.”
Glenn Bradham, MD
“Attend it and improve yourself.”
Pravin Chandra Vora, MD
“Definitely thought provoking. Must attend.”
David O. Ranz, MD
“I was intrigued by the assertive statement. It will be useful in interacting.”
Peter T. Geleskie, MD
“Don’t miss this seminar. Definitely worth the time.”
Matt Beuter, MD
“Definitely great idea. Learn communication skills that will be very helpful in effective team work.”
Parham Ghavami, MD
“This seminar was different than usual; kept my attention. Great audience participation.”
Daniel B. Drinnen, MD
“You must GO to this seminar! Aviation based skills has a great model to follow.”
Chris Fletcher, MD
“Must attend. Learn effective assertive statements.”
Jim Johnson, MD
“Make this seminar available for all staff.”
Don Frranklin, MD
“All physicians should attend this seminar and take notes.”
William Morris, MD
“Very informative, educational and interesting. Will teach you how to build effective teams.”
Mohamed Ziauddin, MD
“Excellent seminar. Valuable techniques on how to communicate with staff and encourage their input.”
David Freemon, MD
“Seminar very useful! Learn how to communicate with staff.”
Ed Benny, MD
“Great idea for physicians to attend. Great systems approach.”
Jeff Warren, MD
“Very informative seminar. Great lessons in communicating with staff.”
Karen Duffy, MD
“Very Good! Learn that communicated messages are better than assumed understandings.”
Paul A. Justice, Jr, MD
“Excellent! Must attend. Briefing employees, establishing relationships and level of training skills taught is outstanding.”
Tara Sturdivant, MD
“This seminar is worth attending. Technique of the importance of communication skills a must.”
Andrew Evancho, MD
“Very useful and entertaining! Learn to improve communication skills among new team members.”
Nabil Atalla, MD
“Do it! The best hours you can spend! New techniques to effectively communicate.”
Leon Reuhland, MD
“I would highly recommend it.”
John E. McIntosh, MD
“I would encourage all physicians to attend. The importance of communication is vital.”
Charles Kaelin, MD
“Useful information for improving team skills and avoiding mistakes. Better communication skills are necessary in building effective team approaches.”
Samuel Sell, MD
“Go for it! Create better communication skills among team members to identify and prevent errors.”
Ben High, MD
“Worthwhile, good communication skills is obviously key to safer patients.”
Jane Siegel, MD
“Excellent seminar. I recognize good communication takes practice and an organized approach is essential.”
Gary R. McDonald, MD
“This course was very informative…I will be able to use the skills learned with my co-workers. The speaker was very entertaining…the time went quickly. Good information.”
Catherine Binford, MD
Bowling Green, KY
“Other physicians should go to this seminar, Now! Absolutely outstanding.”
John Adams, MD
Bowling Green, KY
“Strongly recommend attendance – very informative.”
James B. Hunter, MD
Lexington Clinic / GI
“The seminar was full of great information. I would encourage all students to attend.”
Bobby J. Hall MD
“Excellent seminar. Very informative and enjoyable experience.”
John Turrentine, MD
“Highly recommend attending.”
Ranjana Sinaa, MD
“Great information on how to manage patient’s anger and propose a solution.”
Stuart Spalding, MD
“The seminar was very beneficial.”
Kimberly Chapman, MD
“Extremely useful information.”
Mufiz A. Challhan, MD
“Excellent seminar.”
Clay Ferguson, MD
“You will find very useful information for all practices.”
Curtis L. Hedges, MD
“Excellent Course!”
Kent L. Jones, MD
“Very worth your while to attend.”
Joseph W. Wolfe, MD
“Attend! Full of information.”
Brenda Springfield, MD
“An eye opening seminar.”
Samual Badr, MD
“Useful information to promote team work and improve your communications.”
Louis Willy, MD
“Excellent Seminar!”
James H. Smith, MD
“You must go to this seminar.”
Jeff Mann, MD
“Very helpful seminar.”
Ronald Hamia
“Definitely Attend.”
P. Smivantare, MD
“Fantastic information. All Dr’s offices should take this seminar together.”
John Sparrow, MD
“Excellent seminar.”
Jennifer Johnson, MD
“Seminar is full of useful information.”
Tim Hayden, MD
“A ‘Must Come’ seminar.”
R. W. Rhear, MD
“Definitely Attend this seminar.”
Charles W. White, MD
“Attend seminar and implement the information.”
James Eldman, MD
“Seminar is worth your while.”
Kenneth Warren, MD
“Just GO!”
Allie L. Prater, MD
“You should not miss this seminar.”
Pravin Patel, MD
“DO IT.”
Carl Welch, MD
“Seminar is full of valuable tools.”
Salomon Asmar, MD
“Full of ideas.”
S. Reaves Lee, MD
“Seminar was very good and worth my time.”
John Campbell, MD
“Must Go, you will get more information than you can imagine.”
J. Michael Epps, MD
“Highly recommended seminar.”
Hieholas H. Edwards, MD
“Seminar teaches you good people skills that you can use in your practice.”
Jeff Swetnam, MD
“Attend it is worth your time.”
John P. Masterson, MD
“Very good information for your people skills.”
Austin Vihialle, MD
“Excellent seminar.”
Howard J. Chuaag, MD
“This is a great seminar.”
Jason Jean, APRN, BC, Nurse Practitioner

Feedback From Nurses & Staff
“After being a bedside CVICU RN for 28 years I’ve seen different consulting firms come and go without any positive impact on patient care outcomes. With the Lifewings involvement here at Piedmont Atlanta I have recognized a noticeable difference in safety awareness, educational resources and management engagement. Culture shifts are never easy but working with Lifewings has made a difference.”
Tammy Prosch-Allred, RN, CCRN
From UTMC Knoxville Hardwire Safety Tool Workshop
“As a result of HST, our department is better because we now have a knowledge of the problems that exist in our units and a plan to improve them. Knowing that team members from other units are open to improvements and are willing and able to collaborate with each other will be a definite improvement in overall communication.”
Casey Hoover, RN
“Because of LifeWings HST training our department is better because we now COMMUNICATE, and appreciate and understand each others needs much better. I can not say enough about the whole group process! Mountains can move!”
Myra Pillon, RNC-OB
“The progression of tool development of tool development was extremely effective and having the LifeWings’ coaches lead you through the tool development process is invaluable.”
Chelsea Jeffries, RN/L&D
“What I would say to other hospitals considering LifeWings training is DO IT! I feel empowered and that these tools are going to make difference. The time and money is worth it.”
Chelsea Jeffries, RN/L&D
“Before you have the class, the thought of another seminar seems like just another thing we have to go to…but after the classes you feel more empowered, equipped, and part of a team.”
Amy Gilbreath-Bolt, RN/NICU
“As a result of the HST training we now have structured solutions to problems plaguing our L&D department.”
Maureen Goins, RN/L&D
“What I would say to other hospitals considering this training is …this is critical to Residents, MD, Nurses, Ancillary, and Administration because it will produce teamwork that will create a culture change in your department and hospital that will increase employee satisfaction and a safer place for patients.”
Christina Nelson, MD Anesthesia
From Community Regional Medical Center (CRMC) in Fresno, California said about the LifeWings® training (from a third-party-administered formal follow-up interview December 2010.)
On LifeWings communication, tools, and debriefing training:
“You feel more comfortable because it actually gives you the forum to do it. You do stop and you are actually asked if anybody needs to speak up, they need to speak up now.”
“It helped educate us that we not only have a right, but we have an obligation to speak up.”
“I feel like I’m giving a more detailed report from some of the things that LifeWings has taught us to make us more aware of the information we need to be passing on to make it a better, make it a safer experience for the patient.”
“[We] give a more thorough report. So it does work.”
“I just feel like with the checklist and verifying everything over and over that the patients are safer; that there are going to be fewer mistakes.”
“Some of the quieter nurses that have not been here as long would have felt funny questioning a doctor or another nurse for not following the correct procedure and just doing their own thing. Now they have the confidence to do that because of this.”
I’ve given better reports. I feel like I’m giving a more detailed report from some of the things that LifeWings has taught us to make us more aware of the information we need to be passing on to make it a better, make it a safer experience for the patient.”
I think that it’s been really good. I’ve seen in the OR where it’s really slowing the doctors down. The nurses will say, “Stop. We’re going to do our time out now.” Where a lot of times it’s such a rush we’ve got to rush to get to the next patient. Sometimes I think that makes the doctor stop in their place. It’s like, “No.” The nurses are very adamant about saying we need to do our time out. So it makes them stop and think. We have to make sure anesthesia is fine, make sure the physicians and scrub techs are ready to go. I think that’s great. It’s a good thing that was implemented. (Surgical Technician)
(Since the LifeWings® training) “There have been fewer mistakes. I think it’s brought a lot of the nurses and techs closer to the physicians as far as communicating.”
Well, I definitely get a better a more detailed report because there are all these things that we add now that we’ve added to our report that we’ve gotten from LifeWings. I think it’s been easier for us to take care of our patients and to have better outcomes.”
“It’s 105% better. We all communicate now because of LifeWings. We stop each other. We double check now and we’re safe.”
A nurse at a LifeWings client hospital describes how a red flag procedure learned from their LifeWings training helped avert a disaster:
“We just had an incident and it’s not like I didn’t say delta, but I didn’t at that time. We had a fire–not a fire, but like a burn in the OR–and we found out that it was a defect on the port that we used for a laparoscopic case and nobody smelled anything except me. It wasn’t working when the surgeon was using it so he kept saying, ‘It’s not working, it’s not working.’ So I switched over the port. When we do laparoscopic stuff we have to hook it up to a machine and there’s an adapter and sometimes they get switched between the two ports, so I switched it to a different port and all of a sudden we saw static on the monitors but it wasn’t working. So he was saying, ‘It’s not working, it’s not working’ and all of a sudden I smelled something burning and he didn’t smell anything. So I said, ‘No, we have to make sure. Let me turn on the light and we have to check everything.’ And sure enough, we turned on the light and we looked down at the patient and there was a burn on the patient. So it was something that–everyone listened, everyone stood at attention when I said that we have to stop and make sure that everything’s good. That, in itself, is a great feeling. I mean, it’s bad that the patient got burned, but as close as it was to the gasses, the oxygen and all, it could have been worse. I didn’t sleep the whole night after that because I’ve never had that happen to me, but in a way it averted a more disastrous outcome. It just doesn’t bear thinking about what could have happened. It was a very scary situation. And as I said, everybody stood at attention whereas before everybody would have just continued talking, so it’s a really good thing for the whole system because everybody can speak up and everybody is listened to. In the long run, the tube was down his throat and it was just a lot of horrible situations that could–I mean it didn’t happen, thank God. [It really didn’t happen because you called the red flag?] Right, and everybody paid attention. The whole part of this is to try to call attention on people who aren’t interested in listening, so everybody did their part. And I hope it never happens again.”
“Because of our pre-procedure briefing our OR staff feel like they are a bigger part of the team – and are getting more information about the case from each other and the physicians. The implementation is going very well.”
Jenny Kadis, MSN, RN, CPAN
Program Director, Crew Resource Management
Memorial Healthcare System
“Things are going great here. The LifeWings® program changed the culture in a thinking mode of if you find it fix it. We have staff working to develop tools almost weekly for any issue we define as a problem. As for measurable outcomes, we do a procedure brief 100% of the time, we have caught allergies etc. in the time out process we have prior to procedure. We have tools that identify problems before they occur.”
Jennifer S. Cord RN MSN
Director Women’s Services
Provena United Samaritans Medical Center
“The program is well thought out in respect to healthcare. LifeWings presents the training in a manner that shares the expertise of the aviation industry but is respectful of the clinician. This is a unique talent that engages the audience and moves people to action. In the four hour session, even when a physician was paged they returned immediately. I don’t know if you realize how this signals the value of what they felt they were getting from the training, but it is huge! LifeWings far exceeded our expectations. We have been able to get 100% buy in from our physicians and staff. I couldn’t sing your praises any more. This is an excellent program.”
Joan Cappelletti
Woman’s & Children’s Service Line Administrator
Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center
“Very insightful! Great correlation between air traffic safety and healthcare safety. Real-life situations gave the focus and points more impact.”
Deborah Gregory, BSN, MSN
Director, Cardiac Services
Centennial Medical Center
“This is an awesome course that makes me realize how simple this process is, in order to make patients safer. Why haven’t we been taught this before?”
Beverly Ligon, RN
Skyline Medical Center
“It is well worth your valuable time!”
Kaye Orange, RN
OR Nurse Manager
“Take it! It can, and will, save lives!”
Cherie Allen, RN, CPSN
“Very valuable techniques and ways to see potential problems. Very dynamic and brings audience in to the discussion to help emphasize key points.”
Tina Summerlin, RN
Skyline Medical Center
“Extremely well done…very useful! Good patient safety initiative tool.”
Lynn Porter, RN
“All healthcare professionals could use this course.”
Anne Hickey, RN
Coney Island Hospital
“This is an excellent course to break down barriers and build the team concept, where anyone could prevent an adverse event.”
Loretta Darby, RN
Coney Island Hospital
“Extremely stimulating and excellent written materials.”
Vanessa Amato, ACSW
Coney Island Hospital