Reduce Medical Errors with Surgical Safety from LeanSTEPPS
Stop patient harm, fix your broken culture, and keep your best staff in the operating room with
Lean + TeamSTEPPS.

“Our results to date have been remarkable. We have met all of our goals, and it is sustaining. The net result is that our patients are safer and our employees are happier and more engaged.
We would absolutely do this program again, and actually, we are in the process of expanding the program system wide in all six Piedmont facilities.”
Richard Tanzella
Vice President of Operations
Piedmont Heart
Atlanta, GA

"The most remarkable result of the LifeWings program is that when new staff and travelers come to our OR, they actively comment that the culture and communications here are better than any place they have ever worked.
I guarantee that this is the result of the LifeWings program."
John Russell, MD
Chairman of the Department of Surgery University of New Mexico Hospital
Learn how a leadership team implemented Perioperative Safety through formal
Lean + TeamSTEPPS / CRM training and surgical safety checklists.

Read how the leaders...
Eliminated serious safety events
Reduced nursing turnover to 3%
Made massive improvements in the safety climate surveys