Our Services Keep Evolving To Ensure Dramatic Results at Hospitals Nationwide
for Overall Quality Improvement in Healthcare
195% Improvement in Uneventful Procedural Cases
50.1% Reduction in Surgical Counts Errors
25% Decrease in Mediation Discrepancies
20% Decrease in OR Equipment Discrepancies
50% Decrease in Patient ID Discrepancies
32% Decrease in Malpractice Claims Dollars per Surgical Discharge

Better Teams & Teamwork
Statistically significant improvement in Employee Satisfaction Survey results
Perioperative services RN turnover as low as 2%
34% improvement in willingness to speak up and advocate for patient safety
118% improvement in willingness to discuss ways to prevent errors from happening again
196% improvement in willingness to question decisions or actions of those with more authority
Reduction in nurse-physician occurrence reports
30% improvement in perception of effectiveness of MD-RN communication skills
Employee turnover well below the hospital mean
Statistically significant improvement in attitudes of care givers toward using teamwork and communication to provide better care

Fewer Errors, Less Rework & Waste
195% improvement in uneventful procedural cases
50.1% reduction in surgical counts errors2
25% decrease in medication discrepancies
20% decrease in OR equipment discrepancies
50% decrease in patient ID discrepancies
32% decrease in malpractice claims dollars per surgical discharge
Documented avoidance of wrong surgeries
Documented avoidance of serious medication errors
Eliminated OR Sentinel Events

Improved Efficiency & Reliability
51% improvement in OR turnaround times
Total elimination of wrong surgeries
75% improvement in pre-procedure antibiotic administration
Improvement in employee satisfaction
Improvement in adherence to diabetes treatment protocols and clinically significant improvements in patient outcomes and reduction in time-to train for new hire employees
Decrease of patient visit time by 10 minutes with improvements in clinical care
Approximately 50% decrease in open claims files for potentially compensable events

Better Care & Outcomes
75% improvement in pre-procedure antibiotic administration
50% improvement in observed to expected mortality ratios
40% decrease in Class 1 surgical infections
57% improvement in observed to expected mortality with patients with risk of mortality of less than 10%
Healthcare Professionals Are Talking About Our
Patient Safety Program Results
LifeWings has had consistent, documented success helping clients achieve their healthcare improvement goals. Our programs are designed to provide optimal ROI and measurable, demonstrable, sustainable results.

“The organization & presentation were excellent at the LDI. The program helped me focus…focus…focus! Because of the LDI, I believe all things are possible.”
Francis A. Bartek
OBGYN Dept. Chair Person
Community Health Partners

Improve Patient Experience
Drive out waste and inefficiency in your processes, provide better care at less cost.
“I feel equipped in ways that I did not even know I had weaknesses. Humbling.”
John Stewart, MD
Stewart Family Health

Your Culture
Create a high-performing culture of accountability and become a high reliability organization.
“After being a bedside CVICU RN for 28 years I’ve seen different consulting firms come and go without any positive impact on patient care outcomes. With the Lifewings involvement I have recognized a noticeable difference in safety awareness, educational resources and management engagement.
Tammy Prosch-Allred
Lean + TeamSTEPPS Results
Using TeamSTEPPS we implement standard handoffs, time outs checklists, protocols, and scripts, to create high performing, accountable organizations. With our training, your teams communicate freely, fluidly, and transcend traditional silos.
Case Study #1
$470K Invested Produced $2M in Returns.
Improved: OR On‐Time Starts = 100%, a 51% improvement;
OR Room Turn Over Time = 23.9 Min, a 35% improvement;
OR Anti‐Biotic Timing Compliance = 97% a 1% improvement;
DSU Holding Wait Time = 0.0 Min (Eliminated This Step);
DSU patient Prep Time = 30.4 Min, a 31% improvement;
PAT Phone Interview Time = 29.6 Min , a 27% improvement;
Case Readiness 72 Hrs. Out = 28.6%, a 60% improvement
Case Study #2
$8.5M Invested Produced $30.5M in Returns.
Case Study #2
Increased Pre‐Op Antibiotic Prophylaxis Timing Compliance > 95%, in all areas, from a low of 60%;
Increased OR cases per day capacity while decreasing patient flow time;
Increased On Time Starts First Cases to 90%, from 33% previously;
Reduced Average Room Turnover Time to 16.1, from approx. 35 Min previously;
DSU PT Prep Time 30.4 Min, a 31% improvement.
Case Study #3
$484K Invested Produced $1.5M in Returns.
Sentinel events reduced to 1 from average of 6 –7 per year;
Serious safety events rate lowered from 5.83 to 0.48;
3 year Mortality index lowered from 0.97 to 0.59;
Days on ventilator reduced from 240d to 173d;
74% of all Safety Culture Survey indicators show improvement;
ICU’s reduced RN turnover costs by $187,000 annually;
Surgical Services reduced RN turnover costs by $345,000 annually

You Will Get Results. Guaranteed.
When your patient safety improvement initiative is complete, you will have:
An organizational structure, with trained Project leadership, that takes advantage of the successful lessons learned in other institutions and ensures program success.
Leadership development training to ensure your key Project leaders are equipped with the skills to make this a lasting cultural change and not the next “flavor of the month.”
A review of current process and patient flow practices to provide improved efficiency, and identify hidden safety and quality issues.
Customized, targeted, specific teamwork training based on the review of the current level of teamwork and coordination among your staff.
Physicians and staff equipped with practical, proven teamwork and communication skills to reduce errors and improve patient safety.
Aviation-based Hardwired Safety ToolsSM that “hardwire” the communication behaviors in daily operations to ensure your staff permanently uses teamwork, communication and coordination to improve performance.
Hardwired Safety ToolsSM created in conjunction with your work teams, leveraging the best capabilities of both LifeWings and your organization to create lasting change. (Teamwork between both external and internal expertise.)
Staff capable of conducting their own Hardwired Safety ToolsSM workshops for future system performance improvements without further assistance from LifeWings Partners.
Coaching to lock-in skill improvements and ensure the Hardwired Safety ToolsSM are being used correctly and providing desired results.
Comprehensive measurement programs, aligned with your measurement methodology, to document results, determine ROI, and prove the effectiveness of the training initiative.
Fewer patient-harming errors and therefore reduced costs.
A significant return on investment that continues year over year.

"Our mission has not changed...it is to do all we can to enable healthcare professionals to provide the safest possible care every single day.
Using this approach, we are so sure that your organization will reach your goals that we offer this guarantee:
If you do not realize the desired results at the end of the project, and if you have implemented all of the recommended Hardwired Safety ToolsSM, LifeWings Partners, LLC will continue to work with you, at no additional cost, until those results are achieved."
- Steve Harden, CEO