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Quality Improvement in Emergency Department with LeanSTEPPS

Reduce LWOB, improve "Door-to-Provider" times,  and increase patient satisfaction with Lean + TeamSTEPPS.

Learn how your emergency department can get improved safety results like these:

Reduce LWOB

Reduce “Door-to-provider” times

Increase patient satisfaction

“With the tools provided by LifeWings we’ve made great progress at HealthAlliance.


We are at  nearly zero with Left Without Being Seen, and close to 90% of all patients are seen within 30 minutes.


Satisfaction scores and responses have been great. I’ve been asked to lecture on our techniques for achieving this at emergency medicine conferences.”


Stuart Hirsch

Administrative Director of

Emergency Services


“The clinical error rate in nine teaching and community hospital EDs significantly decreased from 30.9 percent to 4.4 percent.”

John C. Morey, et al

(Health Serv Res.

2002 Dec; 37(6): 1553–1581.)


Error Reduction and Performance Improvement in the Emergency Deparment

through Formal Teamwork Training

Note: This article is NOT about a LifeWings implementation, but does discuss the benefits in error reduction of using this type of methodology

Data from the LifeWings Implementation at the
Kingston Hospital Emergency Department
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